Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bikram Yoga Tempe Review

The Hot Summer Workout - Bikram Yoga

Between the too hot to hold steering wheel, the oven-like atmostphere outside and over-air conditioned stores, there isn’t too much to love about the AZ summer heat. Fortunately, Bikram Yoga Tempe puts a new twist on summer sizzle offering hot yoga classes that burn fat and calories, tone the body and increase strength and flexibility while helping you sweat out toxins.

I had no idea what to expect in my first Bikram Yoga class. While I had been to many yoga classes before, I had never experienced hot or Bikram yoga. When I walked in, I felt a little overwhelmed, nervous and out of place. That didn’t last long as I was quickly greeted by owner Elaina Zorensky, who introduced me to the gym and set me up with a two-week unlimited pass.

When class began, everyone was extremely focused and engaged in practice, despite the 105 degree temperature of the room. Unlike traditional yoga classes, I got a complete workout including strength, cardio and stretching. In fact, I wore my heart rate monitor and was excited to discover burned over 500 calories during the hour and a half class. Not bad, right? I also learned that Bikram Yoga benefits additionally include anti-aging, discipline, improved circulation and hormone level balance.

Bikram Yoga Tempe’s staff is extremely welcoming, friendly and outgoing, making the experience even better. I have also learned a lot about my body in just the few times I’ve gone. I would recommend Bikram Yoga of Tempe to anyone looking for a great workout!

Bikram Yoga Tempe

1825 East Guadalupe Road
Tempe, AZ 85283-3276
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